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What is Rick Simpson Oil

Have you ever heard of RSO? Rick Simpson Oil was named after a famous medical marijuana activist called Rick Simpson. There are a ton of bold claims out there about this one, so you're best to do some research before using it. It's good that you've found us; let us explain the situation! 


Let's take a look at the famous RSO, what it is, the claims for RSO's cancer treatment, and how the RSO is used in treatments. 


The History of Rick Simpson Oil


Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO, has a fascinating history as intriguing as the oil itself. This potent cannabis extract has become a household name in the world of medical marijuana, and its story is one of resilience, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of natural healing.


The Man Behind the Oil: Rick Simpson


Rick Simpson, a Canadian engineer, is the mastermind behind RSO. His journey into the world of cannabis was not a result of recreational interest but rather a desperate search for a cure. After a work accident in 1997 left him with lingering health issues, including tinnitus and dizzy spells, Simpson turned to cannabis after traditional medicine failed to provide relief. His success with cannabis for his health issues led him to explore its potential further.


What is Rick Simpson oil?


The Birth of RSO


In 2003, Simpson was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer. He then created a potent cannabis oil to apply directly to his skin cancer. After a few days of application, the cancerous growths had disappeared. This was the birth of what we now know as Rick Simpson Oil.


The Spread of RSO


Simpson's success with RSO led him to start producing the oil en masse, distributing it for free to thousands of needy patients. His story spread, and so did the demand for RSO. Despite the legal challenges and controversies surrounding cannabis, RSO continued to gain popularity, especially among those seeking alternative treatments for various health conditions.


The Legacy of RSO


Today, RSO is recognised globally, with countless testimonials attributing improved health and wellness to this potent cannabis extract. While Rick Simpson no longer produces the oil himself, his recipe is used by many worldwide, and RSO remains a crucial ingredient in patients' treatment plans across North America and beyond.


Scientific evidence and Rick Simpson Oil


Simpson didn't sell his recipe to anyone. He gave it out for free; there is no need to keep such a great idea a secret. So if it worked for him, it's hard to devise a reason to demonise the guy. RSO is a cannabis oil concentrate comprising an Indica strain and a solvent like isopropyl alcohol. Indica is well regarded as a heavier variety of cannabis that's suitable for pain and later-in-the-evening consumption.


So what makes RSO different? The oil itself is super concentrated and contains very high levels of THC; this is part of the Indica strain's genetic makeup, and it is very potent.


THC is a psychoactive compound, meaning it's the part of the plant that gets you high. High THC content is what makes medicinal cannabis products like RSO legal only through your GP & a lot of paperwork - which also means you won't find RSO for sale in your local pharmacy at the moment in Australia.


Other countries such as the USA, Canada and parts of Europe are different as they have some laws regarding the sale and regulation of potent THC products, which make them easier to access for patients and end consumers.


Benefits of Rick Simpson Oil


Remember, no scientific studies prove this oil recipe or treatment, in particular, is effective for anything. However, in addition to cancer, RSO allegedly treats



The list above may seem familiar, as it's a list of common conditions that a whole range of cannabis products are showing promise in treating. Rick Simpson decided to try cannabis oil to treat his skin cancer after reading about the results of a 1975 study that tested the use of cannabinoids in mice with lung cancer. The study found that both THC and another cannabinoid called cannabinol (CBN) slowed the growth of lung cancer in mice. If anything, this is remarkable and shows you that knowledge of plant-based treatments has been around longer than you think. 


Since then, there's been more research involving cell samples and animal models that look at the effects of cannabinoids on cancer growth. Many people in Australia have also subscribed to cannabis treatments for cancer and other indications. 


RSO is an excellent alternative to other cannabis products because it's relatively easy to make, discrete, doesn't smell like much, and isn't smoked - it can only be taken orally on its own, or in food.


How is RSO Made?


If you've ever wondered how Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is made, you're in for a treat! The process of making RSO is as fascinating as the story behind its creation. It's a journey that takes us from the humble cannabis plant to a potent, therapeutic oil.


The Ingredients


The first thing you need to know about making RSO is the ingredients. The star of the show is, of course, the cannabis plant. Specifically, you'll need cannabis buds, rich in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive compound that gives RSO its potency. The other key ingredient is a solvent. Rick Simpson recommends using pure light aliphatic naphtha or 99% isopropyl alcohol.


The Process


The process of making RSO is relatively straightforward, but it requires care and precision. Here's a step-by-step guide:


  1. Preparation: The cannabis buds are dried and crushed into a fine powder. This increases the surface area and allows the solvent to extract as much THC as possible.
  2. Extraction: The crushed cannabis is placed in a bucket, and the solvent is added. The mixture is stirred vigorously, allowing the solvent to dissolve the THC from the cannabis.
  3. Separation: The solvent-cannabis mixture is then strained into another container, leaving behind the plant material. The solvent now contains the THC and other cannabinoids from the cannabis.
  4. Evaporation: The solvent is then evaporated, leaving behind a thick, sticky oil. This is done using a rice cooker, as it maintains a steady temperature that's perfect for evaporation. Doing this in a well-ventilated area away from flames or sparks is crucial, as the solvent fumes can be highly flammable.
  5. Collection: The remaining oil is collected using a plastic syringe or similar tool. The oil is extremely potent, so handling it with care is important.


Disclaimer: Please do not try to make your own RSO! To ensure you are consuming a safe cannabis product, you should only use RSO made by professionals. It's not the cannabis itself that can be harmful, but the flammable process of making RSO and the risk of solvent residue if not made correctly. 


How to Use Rick Simpson Oil


The Dosage


When it comes to RSO, less is more. Due to its high THC content, RSO is incredibly potent, and a little goes a long way. Rick Simpson himself recommends starting with a dose about the size of half a grain of rice. You can gradually increase this over time as your body adapts to the effects.


The Method


What is Rick Simpson oil?


RSO can be used in various ways, depending on your preference and the condition you're treating. Here are a few common methods:


  1. Orally: RSO can be taken orally by placing the desired dose on a spoon or finger and swallowing. Some prefer mixing it with food or drink to mask the taste.
  2. Sublingually: RSO can be taken sublingually (under the tongue) for faster absorption, allowing the oil to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes in the mouth.
  3. Topically: RSO can also be used to treat skin conditions or pain. Apply the oil directly to the affected area and cover it with a bandage.
  4. Capsules: For those who prefer a more traditional method, RSO can be placed in empty gel capsules and swallowed like a regular pill.


The Schedule


Rick Simpson recommends a specific schedule for RSO usage, often called the "Rick Simpson Protocol", which involves taking small doses every 8 hours (morning, noon, and night) for the first week. The dose is then gradually increased over the following weeks until you take about 1 gram of RSO daily.


If you're a medical patient, please consult your GP before starting a treatment. Some physicians won't recommend cannabis as a course of treatment. So if you want to try this out, do so with caution and at your discretion. Aside from this, manufacturing cannabis products in Australia is illegal in most states and territories. If you are lucky enough to be in one where you can grow your own, caution is always advised.


Rick Simpson Oil should not be considered a cure-all for medical conditions. Still, many patients have experienced significant relief from their medical symptoms and conditions with the use of RSO.


Side Effects of Rick Simpson Oil


Depending on your tolerance to cannabis already, the main side-effect of an RSO regime is sleepiness. So you might feel like taking naps throughout the day. As your tolerance rises, this should fade after 3-4 weeks of use. 


Other side effects of using RSO are similar to what anyone might experience when smoking marijuana - all thanks to the key ingredient, THC. THC is a psychoactive substance, meaning it can produce a range of temporary psychological symptoms, such as: 



It can also cause physical side effects, such as:


  • Low blood pressure.
  • Bloodshot eyes.
  • Dizziness.
  • Slow digestion.
  • Sleeping issues.
  • Impaired motor control and reaction time.
  • Impaired memory.


Some people might hate the taste. To avoid this, mix it with meals or have it with a banana. We prefer to consume via edibles; this can be in the form of cookies or other tasty treats! Be careful if using this method because the time for the cannabis to have an effect can vary greatly but is usually slow, between 1-2 hours. 


If you want to try a similar product to RSO without breaking Australian law, check out our terpene range (these work on the same receptors as cannabinoids) here


The Risks and Controversies Surrounding RSO


Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO, has been a hot topic in the world of medical marijuana. While it has gained a significant following and has been hailed by many as a miracle cure, it's not without its share of risks and controversies. So, let's dive into the less glamorous side of RSO and explore the potential pitfalls and debates that surround this potent cannabis extract.


The Risks of RSO


Like any substance, RSO comes with its own set of risks. Here are a few to consider:


  1. Potency: RSO is incredibly potent, with high levels of THC. This can lead to intense psychoactive effects, which can be overwhelming for some users. It's important to start with a small dose and gradually increase it under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
  2. Quality Control: As RSO is often made at home, the quality can vary greatly. Contaminants in the cannabis or solvent can end up in the final product, posing potential health risks.
  3. Legal Issues: The legality of RSO varies by location. In some places, it's completely illegal, while in others, it's only legal for medical use. Always check your local laws before making or using RSO.
  4. Unproven Claims: While many users swear by RSO for treating a variety of health conditions, including cancer, these claims are not backed by substantial scientific evidence. Relying solely on RSO for serious health conditions can delay proven treatments and potentially worsen the outcome.


The Controversies Surrounding RSO


RSO has been at the centre of several controversies, primarily due to the bold claims made by Rick Simpson and his followers. Here are a few key points of contention:


  1. Cancer Cure Claims: The most significant controversy surrounding RSO is its claim to cure cancer. While preliminary research suggests that cannabinoids like THC can kill certain cancer cells in a lab, this doesn't necessarily translate to curing human cancer. Many medical community members have criticised these claims as misleading and potentially harmful.
  2. The "High" Dilemma: RSO's high THC content means that users often experience a strong psychoactive effect, or "high." This has led to debates about the medical legitimacy of RSO, with some arguing that the high is a side effect, while others see it as a therapeutic aspect of the treatment.
  3. Legal and Regulatory Issues: The legal status of RSO and cannabis, in general, has been a source of ongoing controversy. Many argue that the potential medical benefits of cannabis warrant a change in legal status, while others worry about the risks of misuse and addiction.


The Legal Status of RSO in Australia



The land of kangaroos and koalas has had a complex relationship with cannabis and its derivatives, including RSO. So, let's dive into the nitty-gritty and see where Australia stands on this potent cannabis extract.


The Legalization of Medical Cannabis


In 2016, Australia took a significant step forward by legalising medical cannabis. This move opened the door for patients with certain health conditions to access cannabis treatments under the supervision of a healthcare professional. However, it's important to note that this doesn't mean all cannabis products, including RSO, are freely available.


The Status of RSO


With its high THC content, RSO falls under a different category than most medical cannabis products. In Australia, products with a THC content above a certain threshold are considered controlled drugs, meaning that RSO, due to its high THC content, is not readily available even for medical use.


Accessing RSO in Australia


While RSO is not widely available, it's only partially out of reach for Australians. Patients can access RSO through the Special Access Scheme (SAS) or the Authorised Prescriber Scheme (APS). Both schemes require a doctor's approval and a lot of paperwork, but they provide a legal avenue for patients to access RSO.


The Future of RSO


The future of RSO looks promising. As more countries and states move towards legalising cannabis for medical and recreational use, the stigma surrounding products like RSO is slowly fading. With ongoing research and increasing interest in the potential health benefits of cannabis, RSO is set to remain a key player in the world of medical marijuana.




In conclusion, Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO, is a fascinating and potent cannabis extract that has made waves in medical marijuana. From its humble beginnings in the kitchen of a Canadian engineer to its current status as a globally recognised cannabis product, RSO's journey is a testament to the power of innovation and the potential of natural remedies.


While many hailed RSO as a miracle cure, it's crucial to approach it with a critical eye. The potential risks and controversies surrounding RSO highlight the need for further research, regulation, and education in medical marijuana.


In Australia, the legal landscape of RSO is complex and ever-changing, reflecting the ongoing debates about cannabis and its place in medicine. However, RSO offers a potent and potentially beneficial treatment option for those who can navigate the legal hurdles.


As always, if you're considering using RSO, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional and stay informed about the potential risks and benefits. The world of cannabis is vast and ever-evolving, and RSO is just one of the many exciting developments in this field. Whether you're a patient, a healthcare provider, or simply a curious reader, we hope this article has provided you with a deeper understanding of RSO.


Are There Age Restrictions For Using RSO?

The use of RSO or any cannabis product typically comes with age restrictions. In most jurisdictions, including Australia, the legal age for using medical cannabis or RSO is 18 years or older. However, specific laws may vary, so it's important to be aware of the regulations in your area.

Can RSO Be Used With Other Medications?

It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before using RSO or any cannabis product alongside other medications. There may be potential interactions between RSO and certain medications, and a healthcare professional can provide guidance based on your specific situation.

Is RSO Addictive?

While RSO contains THC, which can have psychoactive effects, it is not considered physically addictive like certain substances. However, individuals may develop a psychological dependence on RSO or cannabis products in general.

Can RSO Be Used For Pets?

While some anecdotal evidence suggests that RSO may benefit pets, it is crucial to consult with a veterinarian before using RSO or any cannabis products on animals. Veterinarians can provide guidance based on your pet's specific needs and conditions.

Are The Alternatives To RSO?

Yes, there are alternative cannabis products available that may offer similar benefits. These include CBD oils, other cannabis extracts with different cannabinoid profiles, and various medical cannabis formulations. Exploring different options and consulting with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable alternative for your needs is recommended.

Can RSO Be Used Recreationally?

RSO is primarily used as a medical treatment and is not intended for recreational use. Due to its high THC content, RSO can produce strong psychoactive effects and should be used responsibly under medical supervision.
